

13 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Introducing Batman Province 4

History: Hasankeyf is not known exactly when it was founded. The possibility that the geopolitical structure of the city, an ancient settlement center kuvvetlendirmektedir.Bugün from time to time, even some of the many caves are used as a dwelling, a lot of people are settled here in ancient times.
According to available information, the establishment of the fortress of Hasankeyf, MS. Coincides with the 4th century. This mid-century, the Byzantine Emperor Constantine who seized the area around Diyarbakir, the two border regions in order to protect the castle has been constructed. This castle is one of the two Hasankeyf Kalesidir.Kale, Sassanids won a political significance to a more robust re-arbitration is a way. Hasankeyf, MS. It was conquered by the Umayyads in 639. After this date, the Abbasids, Hamdaniler. Mervanis, piped in, set up command of the Ottomans to Eyyubiler. Hasankeyf lived during the brilliant period was piped. There are many historical works of this period remaining from the center.
Climate: on the life-giving Tigris River, also affects the climate of the region. To pass the river provides a temperate winter. The average temperature is 25 ° C, the highest average temperature 40-43 ° C, the lowest average temperature varies between 6-8 ° C. 
The most hunted animals in the city rabbit, partridge, quail, toykuşu, wood pigeon, wild duck, geese, otters, martens, porsuktur. In addition, Raman mountain mountain sheep, mountain goats are Kozluk-Sason districts.
Plenty of fat meat dishes, pastries, soups unique to the region, called mohair kıçıl cooked tandoori ovens and bread made of mud and stone Hevranın bread is very tasty.

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